Saturday, January 14, 2012

Moving Into the Future........ will you be left behind........... at k-mart?

Today even more news to share....... add that to what has already been mentioned the past few days here. Late yesterday we signed 2 contracts with very large companies for commercial work into the next five years. With at least one more still in the negation phase.

What this means is, we will have more than enough work for the next 5 years in both the Candle production side and the Mold production side that we would not need to do retail sales from the websites. (Candle Mold Vault or Wax Enchantments). The other sites basically run themselves.... these 2 take more work, as you might expect. We want to be able to be here to answer questions and help candle makers with their candle making problems.

This has been our BEST week ever! All the news, continued growing of sales, and more contact than every with our wonderful customers. YOU!

During our discussions with the commercial contracts, we were told more than once that when they decided to chose us to do their work it was due to one major point. Reputation in the Industry and Status.

We were told that our molds have a become a status symbol. they went on to say and I quote "why buy molds from k-mart, or in common expression, "Kame-apart". When you can own Saks Fifth Ave.

We are very humbled by all this. We simply do what we do. It is a great joy of mine to mine to be able to serve other professionals in this business, to help and pass on the experience I have been able to gain over the years.

Happy Candlemaking!

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